Lunchtime Links
Bringing the best of the web to you. For lunch.
Happily sitting on East Bay in Charleston as I am writing this Friday's version of Lunchtime Links, hope your weekend will be as good as mine.
...Will Google + Replace Blogging?
I will admit to being fairly excited about Google +. It was intriguing to see a new medium from it's inception and find out how/when/why people would use it. Would it be like Twitter, or maybe more like Facebook? Turns out it's a little of both, but with selective sharing.
...Is Content Really King?
An argument for context
I was fortunate a couple of weeks ago to sit on a panel for the PRSA, South Carolina version. The topic centered around QR codes. While there is a lot to consider when incorporating them into a campaign (i.e. technology, added content, etc...), there are really only a couple of questions to take into consideration, and all revolve around context.
1. Where and How Will Your Customers Access It?
...Lunchtime Links
Bringing the best of the web to you. For lunch.
Greetings on this fine Friday. The Merge gang has once again compiled some of the most useful (and comical). Enjoy and have a great weekend.
From Kim, a lesson on appropriate font use: Know someone who overuses and abuses comic sans? Get them some help:
From Meredith: An awesome throwback featuring some stable HTML5 specs, including Geolocation, Canvas and SVG.
...Lunchtime Links
Bringing the best of the web to you. For lunch.
Yahoo! debuts an app search engine. Not sure it will be uniquely different, but probably a needed move on their part. Via ReadWriteWeb.
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- Lunchtime Links
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